International activities
Meetings with potential stakeholders
- Targeted marketing to potential customers
- Organizing meetings with potential clients
- Presentation of products and services
- Sales negotiations
- Contract negotiations
- Delivery
- Representation
Search for the new customers
International business visits locally and abroad
- Visits by foreign delegations
- Organization of the delegation from the target countries
- Customized programs for delegation visits
- Presentation of products and services to delegations
Business delegations
Product, service and competition analysis in the target countries
- Sectoral market surveys
- Products and services
- Sales and marketing
- Customers and competitors in the target countries
Marketing investigations
Representation, resale, subcontracting networks
- Direct representation
- Survey of suitable representatives in the target countries
- Representing products and services in target countries
- Forming of the representatives' network in the target countries
International activities for business
Identification of potential financial instruments
- Innovation voucher
- Business Finland
- Nefco
- EU funding
Financial Instruments